April Lockhart

April Lockhart, born in 1995 on the 4th of July, started taking lessons on piano and guitar at seven years old. She was interested in songwriting was awakened. at the age of 12, April composed her first single Different. In her 14th year April was a big devotee of her day creating and playing with songs. Soon after she began taking trips to write with her father in NY as well as LA. April started to incorporate additional relevant subjects into the"Take my Hand song for some acquaintances, including peer pressure issues and suicide among teens. Lockhart has her own fan base and works as an online lifestyle blogger for the well-known Ilia clean beauty brand. She was born without her left hand. It's part of who she is--but it's hardly her whole story. The account on Instagram of Lockhart doesn't deny the fact that she has a disability. However, it doesn't insist on it. What message does it convey? That we all contain multitudes and that we are all unique and that we're much more than our physical selves. Lockhart says in a video interview with Lockhart in a video interview "I don't think that is what defines my character. I don't intend to have an impact on disabilities because I've got plenty to offer." This doesn't interfere with my life. Everything is normal and I have learned to adapt. It's also part of me and I feel it's important to talk about. Lockhart has served as an excellent example to other women in the area of self-acceptance. Still, she acknowledges going through periods of feeling insecure about her body, and also feeling uncomfortable in certain clothes which exposed her arms. Today, she wears what she's comfortable in and post images of her outfits to social media with pride. What makes self-love so appealing to her is that it's not a destination. It's true for all, no matter what their level of insecurity. It is important to have people that know and understand you. They'll be the ones asking what you fret about?

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